Life's Little Blessings

A little Love goes a Loonngg way....But add Life's Little Blessings and you have an abundance of Love that you will never quite understand but will also will never run out of.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Here comes Charleigh I know it has been a 6 there is a lot to catch up on...

So...I had started my second to last semester at Nicholls in January. Everything was set, My c-section was set for April 24, 2012, and all of my teachers knew and were on board to help me finish the semester, since I was due a week before finals.  Tuesday, April 3rd 2012, I warned my teachers that I was not going to make it to my due date and I was pretty sure this baby was going to make her entrance during spring break. The last 3 months of my pregnancy went extremely fast and before I knew it, it was spring break!!! Friday, April 5th couldn't have come quick enough. I was SO ready for spring break!!
That Saturday we had a girls day planned at Painting with a Twist :)

I painted this for my girls room...I love it! It came out great! And Ryleigh always looks at it now and says MOOOOON!!! Hi...Moon or Night Night Moon! :)

We had the whole week planned....prenatal massage, hair appointment, pedicure, last date night, and just plain lounging around. We just had to get passed all of the traveling and visiting on Easter Sunday

Awww our cute little family picture :)

We always have fun!! I love my family!!

our prom picture :)


Love my sister <3

To continue on....Easter Sunday was a LOOOOOOONG day!!! BIG and pregnant visiting and eating from Bourg to Denham Springs....a LOOOOOOONG day!! By the end of the day my feet and legs were so swollen...later on I started to lose feeling in my feet, so I thought something was wrong. I got up and tried to walk it off by throwing the softball with Brittiney, obviously it didn't get better. Before we left, we took my blood pressure and it was a little high, so we decided we would go to the hospital when we got home. My feet were still swollen and tingling by the time we got to Thibodaux, so we decided to head to the hospital and have my parents meet us there to take Ryleigh so she wouldn't be stuck at the hospital all night. So I was admitted at 9:30PM Easter Sunday to monitor my blood pressure. By 10:30PM I was admitted to the Women's Center. At that time the nurses checked me and I was 3cm dilated. By 12:30 I was 5 cm, and then the craziness began. Numerous nurses started coming in and out of my room, they called my doctor to see what she wanted to do, and my parents were called to make their way back to the hospital. I got shots and before I knew it, I was rolled to the operating room where I was given the painful epidural (which I really don't remember being that painful last time), then I was laid down and Jacob and Lauren came in the room all covered up in their hospital gear. Next thing I know they start cutting me open and all of a sudden I could feel it! It freaked me the hell out because of my last crazy birth. Dr. Prosperie stopped cutting and asked me when I felt it....the next thing I know, I wake up in my hospital room all alone. They had knocked me out...again, I missed everything. At least the outcome was wonderful!!! And here came our 2 week early April surprise :)

At 1:35AM we welcomed 
Charleigh Nicole Comeaux 
into the world
she was 7lbs 12oz and 19 1/4 inches long

Here are some photos from her birth.

Daddy all suited up

and there she is!!

We like fuzzy shots

getting cleaned up

Not happy!! They said she was screaming so loud the whole time...momma's lungs :)

Daddy and Charleigh <3
first time he held her :))))

First bath

First feeding from mommy :)

So precious

Baby Loulou...Ryleigh's gift from Charleigh :)

The kids playing while visiting Charleigh

Aunt Brit Brit and Charleigh 

Aunt K and Charleigh

Pawpaw and Charleigh

Daddy and Ryleigh having fun

She has no clue how her life just changed 

Grandad and Gigi and Charleigh

About to head home :)

Charleigh was so unexpected and it all happened so fast, but in the end we were so happy she came early and during spring break so I did have to take any time off from school. It worked out perfectly. And now we have gone from family of 3 to 4. 

I'll be catching up on blogs for the next few days...
up next; first few days at home, Ryleigh and Charleigh (interactions), and 
Charleigh's Baptism :)

Stay Tuned....

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