Life's Little Blessings

A little Love goes a Loonngg way....But add Life's Little Blessings and you have an abundance of Love that you will never quite understand but will also will never run out of.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Working Girl

Sorry everyone....
I finally found my perfect job! 
I am now a staffing consultant!
So needless to say, the blog is on the back burner for now.
I have got to get use to this working full-time and being a mom thing!
So as soon as that happens, I will get back on track!
Specially since starting my job, I have even more parental questions and comments!!

See ya'll soon!

Love and God Bless
<3 mrscomeaux

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to start teaching your children to defend themselves

When I say defend themselves, I am not referring to physically. I am referring to moralistic values that we instill in our children, or at least we SHOULD be instilling.

Thinking back to when I was a child, I remember thinking, “This is NOT fair!!!” You see, my parents were a tad on the strict side example;

When I was 17, I was not allowed to watch PG-13 movies

Yes, you do not even have to ask. I was made fun of in junior high and high school for this. I do wish my parents would have taken that opportunity to explain to me that people that made fun of me were not real friends as well as teaching me to be a strong young woman and not let the criticisms get to me. But as we all know, it does not matter what we do, at some point or another we were ALL made fun of in school, some more than others. Peer pressure is not taken for all it is today. Parents do not want to think that their child is easily influenced, yet they do NOT teach them the tools they need to better with stand the cruel punishment of the teenage realm.

Believe me, teenage girls are vicious!!!

Anyway back to the point of todays topic, teaching your children how to defend themselves. I understand I am years away from having to deal with my daughters going through any serious peer pressure, but I really really believe that teaching children morals from a young age is where it all begins. And not just teaching them morals, but helping them understand why having these good morals make them good people. My parents did good by me, but I think if I would have been taught why to do these things then I would have been an even better person earlier on.

People today think it is funny when their young children say dirty/curse words. Why? Why is it hilarious when your 3-year-old daughter or son says ASS? It is NOT funnyspecially when your child’s principal calls you to come pick up your suspended kindergartener for calling his teacher a BITCH! How in the world do some parents think this is all right?? Maybe they just don’t care about their kids? Maybe they were raised that way too? But either way it is RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL!!!

We need to mold our children young! There is too much ugly in children today, and we need to counteract that by raising beautiful, respectful, caring and polite children. Teach them right and wrong. Raise happy children! Have fun, make them laugh, play games, read to them and praise them!!
Biggest of all, make sure you are HAPPY and POLITE, children learn more from example than anything else!

I know that my parents had some extremes, and I might do things a tad bit different than them, though I don't know exactly what. But I defiantly plan to learn as I go and share what I learn.

Love and God Bless
<3 mrscomeaux